Grow into a health science career with bet36365体育. Explore opportunities from 7th grade through college graduation and get on a track to success. Students with an interest in health science careers can participate in this pipeline program through on-campus field trips (7th-8th grade), summer day camps, special campus visits, week-long camps (high school) and eventually college-level collaboration (undergraduate and professional school).
(7th - 8th Grade
Middle School – Junior High (Grades 7-8):
(Entering Grades 9-12)
High School (Grades 9-12):
Undergraduate Opportunities:
Health Science Professional Students:
Sara Bruner
Health Science Explorers Coordinator
A hosted Area Health Education Center (AHEC) operating in partnership with the University of Nebraska Medical Center and the Nebraska AHEC Program Office, supported in part through HRSA grant number U77HP21499.